Friday, March 11, 2011

3 proposals...All about losing innocence at a young age.

Proposal 1- When you lose your innocence you are like koolaid with no sugar
Proposal 2- Busted up baby you all cut up......Losing your innocence as a child is like a cut up baby shoe, worthless.
Proposal 3- When you lose your innocence, you feel like a dirty rag.


  1. Youre not really showing/giving the idea that you are wanting to do with the metaphors.

  2. Innocence= a pure heart, clean things bla, bla, bla. Maybe you should have a connecting project. Like Yin and Yang, light with darkness, inocence with loss. Compare the two and the audience might get your idea.

  3. you're making similes, not metaphors. try this one on for size for your innocence idea..

    "like a bloody tampon, i have been disposed."
